Consejeros internacionales

Sofía Aroca

“ I Grew up partly in South America and partly in Europe. I moved with My Mother to Budapest Hungary at the age of 13. I obtained my high School diploma at the age of 18 in Budapest Hungary. Then I did my University training at the Semmelweis University where I got my doctor degree.
Then I started working at the Hospital « La Salpetriere », Paris, France in the Maxillo Facial Unit at the same time I begun the periodontology post-graduate program . Shortly after I have started to run a private practice.
In 1996 I got my degree in Periodontology and Implantology at the University Paris VII, Paris-France.
Since 1996 I have been practising Periodontology and Implantology exclusively.
Paralel to my private practice I never stopped doing clinical research, teaching activities, lecturing around the world.
I have received my PhD from the University of Szeged, Hungary in 2011. I was awarded of an honorary professorship at the same University in 2012.
My dream came true in 2018 where I co-created a Continuing Education and Clinical Research Center in Paris, France.
In 2019, have been elected to the Osteology expert council.”

+56 22 381 9600